What it covers
It covers all required functionality for:
Cost Estimates and Billings of Production
Orders for Postings,
Cost Estimates and Billings of Postings
Book stores.
Besides the above it includes CRM integrated functionality for relationships management with customers, suppliers and partners. It also includes integrated accounting and all required financial and tax reporting.

How does it work
It operates on a 24-hour basis 7 days a week over the internet and we provide it with the "Software as a Service" (SaaS) model with a monthly subscription fee.
Production Process
Presentation of all the critical financial data of the production of any kind of publication in a common manner.
Cost Estimates and Budgeting.
Estimates of Revenues.
Terms and collection schedules.
Detailed cost transactions.
Details on production progress.
A range of tools and techniques to control operations in the area of production in such a way that enable early detection of deviations from planning and allow for the required corrective measures in order to achieve the objectives.

The system provides for cost estimates in various desired levels. For example for the entire production or for individual tasks.
The cost estimates may be calculated independently or they may be connected to Accounting from which they pull primary cost elements.
Cost estimates may be budgeting or actual. They may be presented in a Gantt Chart, as completed percentage of the production budget with its detailed cost components and relate to the initial or revised estimates.

Document Connection
The system allows to enter third parties’ transaction documents (Purchase Invoices, expense sheets, etc.). These may participate in the cost estimates and the progress reports of each project.
The above documents may automatically update stocks and inventories and help form purchase orders.

Assigned Tasks
Workflow functionality to support assignments of tasks to specific people or departments or all kinds of units.
Time report or time sheet functionality, so that each time it is evident who worked on which project, how much was the added cost to it and of course what revenue was generated by each one’s involvement. Each person or unit can participate in one or more tasks.

Orders for postings and notices are recorded in full detail and illustrate the required tasks.
The billing amounts are automatically calculated based on various embedded tables. Invoices are issued with the press of a button.
E-ON RIX offers functionality and workflows that enable the company officers to act smarter and carry out their tasks on time. They also have a clear view of the statuses concerning billings and collections.