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Bring your contracts to the cloud
  • Embedded workflows
  • Follow work hours
  • Accommodate customer requests
  • Manage documents and attachments

e-οn Contracts
A Cloud Application with a monthly subscription - SaaS

Do you manage many contracts with your customers or suppliers?

If the answer is yes, you know how important it is to be able to keep track of a number of related issues that touch on the day-to-day running of your business .

We have the solution! e-on Contracts on the cloud.


Move your contracts and everything concerning them to a central digital workplace with no geography restrictions.

Enable all  those involved in the management of your contracts no matter which department they belong to or where they are located,  to access all related available information and documents from the same central data base. This will make their tasks easier and give them flexibility.

Watch a video about EON CONTRACTS on our YouTube channel

No more contracts stored physically or in individual electronic files.  No more contract management with local programs or excel sheets.

The physical records that many people may have access to and need to be sure of their current release are kept in a central spot, and everyone who works on them is recorded.

And not only...

Your contracts are amongst your company's valuable assets. They generate revenue for you or help reduce your costs. Treat them like this. Do not miss any deadlines for renewals or cancellations, stop encountering difficulties in your efforts to bill on time or to fulfil your contractual obligations.

With e-On Contracts, you have a complete, reliable inventory of your contracts as digital documents with all their data and information including, but not limited to, start and end dates and billing plans that have been agreed upon. You can attach additional documents to them for any changes or extensions so your information is always up to date.

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With e-on Contracts you have a complete, reliable inventory of your contracts as digital documents with all their data and information including, but not limited to, start and end dates and billing plans that have been agreed upon. You can attach additional documents to them for any changes or extensions so your information is always up to date.


Associate the contracts with the work hours required to serve them.

Associate them with the people involved including hourly billing prices.

Ensure that hours spent are accurately recorded so they are not "forgotten", but that they are easily and quickly retrieved when the time comes to bill them and issue invoices.

Streamline, organize and control the right execution of your obligations arising from each contract vis-à-vis your customers. When should a job be done? When should an action be repeated? Who is the most suitable person to execute it?

Use the automated billing functionality of e-On Contracts and proceed to issue multi-level invoices (e.g. per customer, per customer and contract, etc.).

Record any problems or specific issues arising in relation with your customers or suppliers and any actions you have taken.

E-On Contracts provides all tools to give you a clear picture of your costs and revenues associated with each contract so you know if it has value for your business.

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More functionality

Project Management

Connect e-on Contracts with e-on Projects so that the management of each contract is linked to a specific project or projects. This way you will only have to use an integrated platform for both the Contract and the Project Management. You will not have to jump from one application to another!

See more on  e-on Projects



Use our Ticketing functionality to accommodate customer requests. Give access to this feature also to your customers. Post requests (tickets) through this ticketing tool. This can be done either by you or your customers. Associate requests or tickets with contracts. Use approval workflows for the execution of each request including customers in the flow. Keep track of work hours and attach various documents. No more disorderly processes with phone requests or e-mails. Everything is accessible through a central point. A question and answer process is also included and attached to each request or ticket. This function accommodates any clarifications or other inquiries between the customers and your business without running the risk of significant exchanges with customers being lost in the email accounts of the employees.

The functionality includes various reports and statistics concerning the status, the number and the financial impact of the tickets or requests.


Especially for GDPR compliance, Ticketing has ready-made workflows to meet your customer requests when they request to exercise their rights for example the right to oblivion, etc.

All of the above are included in our e-on RIX suite that can also accommodate Business & Financial management and integrated CRM on the cloud, if you want to take your relationship with your customers to the "next level".

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