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MyWorkplace HR Platform A lot more than just management

Links people with business goals and

empowers collaboration and team work

The Customer: Our customer is the Greek Branch of a global institution that offers a wide range of financial services products. What was the business challenge: The company’s HRM department functions were based on mails, papers, faxes and excel worksheets. The majority of valuable information was distributed by the above means in a non-structured way from person to person. This way it was difficult and time consuming to have real time information in order to produce the necessary reporting or make management decisions.

The client´s objective was to automate and streamline the organization and management of its personnel processes in order:

To reduce costs and errors that resulted from integrating manually various means of information and from paperwork.

To have real time reliable information about personnel issues and provide the necessary reporting for the Public Authorities, the HR Department, and the Top Management.

To make the management decision process concerning personnel, easier and less time consuming.

More specifically, the client wanted to automate the following processes in a workflow environment:

  • Business Organizational Structure and Personnel files management.

  • Personnel Daily Attendance and Working Hours.

  • Leaves and Absences of all kinds such as Vacations, Illnesses, Special Leaves etc.

  • Personnel Evaluations

  • Personnel Expenses

  • Portal Publications of news, procedures, circulars, and other materials.

How Ε-ΟΝ Integration approached the Customer’s challenge:

E-On Integration proposed the use of “E-ON MyWorkplace HRM”. A SaaS flexible and innovative self service suite that covers in an integrated manner all aspects of the Human Resources Management lifecycle. Being a cloud application, all persons involved in the processes have access to it over the web with a web browser from any location.

Our E-ON HRM solution was applied in order to:

  • Describe the organizational structure of the client. Entities, Levels, Ranks, Positions and Job attributes.

  • Organize all personnel information in an efficient way. Personal data, Recruiting interviews, Employment records, Education, Professional training, Career planning and evaluation, Salary history, Document attachments and Workflow assignments.

  • Provide the necessary reporting for Public Authorities, HR Department and Top Management.

  • Provide a self-service workflow functionality for Absences Management.

  • Provide Web-Clock functionality to offer on-line, real time information about arrivals and departures.

  • Automate and streamline expenses’ approval process. Classify them and enable attachment of relevant documents.

  • Automate and streamline personnel evaluation process with electronic evaluation forms and workflows.

The application is a self-service tool that offers users the ability and flexibility to execute specific actions or to view personalized information:

Submit time reports,

  • Manage expenses budget and submit expense reports,

  • Keep track of presence and working hours,

  • Apply for leaves of absence and follow-up approvals,

  • Get overtimes approvals,

  • Access Evaluation Reports

Results: Now our customer can access or has in a central portal and in an organized manner:

  • All information about Positions, Ranks, Job Attributes, Educational Skills and Job Descriptions,

  • Full picture of current personnel that makes it easy to identify possible conflicts or needs for new recruits, development of current people or transfers from department to department.

  • A direct link of Business goals with organizational entities or individual people.

  • Multiple types of evaluation forms that cover various evaluation needs for people, events, issues, etc.

  • Multiple reporting for the Management and the Authorities

  • Dashboards that display tasks, pending, in progress or postponed, delays, completions and more.

More benefits from the use of e-On HRM:

Less manual work: Replaced by automated production of informational and regulatory reports.

Reduced Administration Costs: From remote data entry, speed of search, easy retrieval of forms, combination of business rules, automated workflow processes, etc.

Improved Productivity/Efficiency: From faster and decentralized (self-service) data entry. Elimination of logical errors concerning the maintenance of information. Automation of the information processing and data extraction for the purpose of regulatory reporting to the Labor Authorities. The system “tools” have helped optimize and facilitate management decision processes.

Better Collaboration / Communication: The central portal we provided through the system on the cloud, enables for many people to work together in order to achieve common goals. The use of common resources and functions promotes the shared information environment and further inspires team work, collaboration and communication.


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